
A Little Snag in Training

I was so pumped last week as I zealously began the New Year. Superhero sized goals -- which I will share in my next post -- and superhero running partners to help me meet those goals. All was well. Until my 10.5 mile run on Saturday. I was pretty tired going into it. After all, I had already logged 19 miles which was 5 miles more than I had logged in any week since before Thanksgiving & the dreaded stomach bug. I should have known better than to attempt such a long run, but I'm relatively new at this...and although I've been reading a lot about running...I haven't put quite everything I've read into practice!!

I was really struggling our first 5 miles. In fact, as my fantabulous weekend running partner went on another quarter mile or so to our milestone turn around on the Riverwalk, I stopped to stretch out a very achy left leg. Once we were headed back, I seemed to pick up a bit of energy -- my Tennessee cowboy, Superspouse, likens it to a mule headed to the barn (I'm not quite sure how I feel about his livestock analogies.). As we were into our last mile, the ache turned to specific pain behind my left knee on the outside & up into my thigh. By the time we finished it was searing. ARGHHHH!! We stretched out & I went home took IBprofen & iced it.

I rested Sunday & Monday & prayed ferverently that it feel better quickly. It felt a little better yesterday when my alarm went off -- so I met Marathong & attempted a scheduled 4 mile run. I ran/walked/limped 2 miles & came back home.

So, superhero friends, here I sit & blog, with my leg elevated & on ice. For 3 days of complete rest. My plan is an easy run on Saturday. Just a little snag in training...how does a superhero handle this frustration?? I'm open to advice! :)


Anonymous said...

I'll tell you how to handle it! Suck it up and keep running, pain is weakness leaving the body!!!

Seriuosly I hope that you are feeling better. I am back in the swing of things, I have been able to work out everyday this week. I hope that my shoulder woes are behind me and that me knees are up to the task of two half marathons in the spring. I'll see you next week bright and early.

Amy A. said...

Take it easy! I hope you are on the mend. I'll send up a prayer for you.


Anonymous said...

ok Triathamom
You have had enough of a rest - come on and blog already!! You started this thing - finish!! Yes, I feel like crap and don't ever want to run again....no, that will not keep me from running with you tomorrow!! Blog, blog, blog!!!!
XOX Thong