
Let Me Introduce You to a Couple of Friends

I have been remiss in not introducing you to two very important superhero friends of mine. Not because of their lack of importance, influence and commitment to my superhero status, but because I simply haven't gotten to it yet. (Triathamom has a lot more on her plate than just writing this blog!) I had planned a grand introduction when I write "History, Part 2 -- Sprint Tri to Half Marathon", but since they seem to be duking it out in the comment section of my very first entry, "A Superhero Born", I guess I better indulge them before they take over!!

My most consistent superhero friend during the last 2 years has definitely been SuperSlacker. The name is used with much affection & sarcasm. He has pushed me & encouraged me all along the way, mostly through "tough love" type tactics. "Come on you, slacker." "What are you, a girl or something?" "You call that running?" "You can do it, you big fat tub o'lard!" Okay, I might be exaggerating a little, but you get the point. SuperSlacker does, though, continue to show up when others truly do slack off...so for that & more, I owe you. -- How about lunch on me at Cici's All You Can Eat Pizza Buffet? NOT!

The flip side to SuperSlacker's tough love training comes from my other superhero friend, Mara'thong Mama. (Disclaimer: Do not be misled by the name...she is no hussy! But a devoted wife, mom of 3 & a committed Believer. She just happens to be into comfort which, apparently, to her, is found in the wearing of thongs. Totally acceptable behavior for a Jesus-loving, monogamous female..or so we are telling ourselves.) Completely nurturing & uplifting, and as into Panera bagels as I am, she is known for her willingness to go along with most anything. So far we've survived 2 bootcamps & 2 5k races together. I've leaned on her for support-- literally & figuratively -- for close to a year. And I haven't killed her yet. If that doesn't qualify you for superhero status, what would?

So there you go, Slacker & 'thong, is that enough of an introduction? If it's not, I know you'll let me know!!

Superhero friends, I guess the lesson & inspiration in all of this is: Be sure to let the superheroes in your life know how much they matter to you...or it will come back to bite you on your superhero butt!!! ;)

P.S. SuperSlacker is now known as Enviro-man, a name he chose himself. Only time will tell which name he truly lives up to!! :)


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Who knew my 15 minutes of fame would come on a blog? Thanks for the validation triathamom. Keep up the great work, er....I mean, you better start working harder. You slacker!!