You laughed as I recounted the tale of nearly passing out during my 1st aerobic class at the WOW bootcamp (when all the fat girls rallied round me as the instructor shouted, "don't sit down, don't sit down!). Feb. '03
You told me I was CRAZY when I announced that I was joining the YMCA & would be attending the 5:30AM water aerobic class (because of the AM thing, I'm guessing --I don't think anyone has anything against the YMCA). Nov. '03
You supported me when I did my very 1st "real" bootcamp, ran my first mile without stopping. Although at the time, I thought I might die.
Apr. '04
So, for those of you who know, those who may have forgotten & to those who have never heard it is the "rest of the story", or at least, Part 1.
Can we all say, "Ewwww!!" This is my official BEFORE picture. I weigh more than my husband in this picture. Oprah says to own your number, and I do, all 225 pounds of it. Only because I think it can serve as an encouragement to all other emerging superheroes. You have to begin somewhere.
I began in an all overweight female environment in the spring of '03. I was weighed & measured & had my body fat estimated. In 12 weeks I lost 15 lbs by watching my diet & doing a combination of strength & cardio exercises. I joined Weightwatchers Online that summer and in November of '03 joined the YMCA. I continued in an environment that I felt safe in ---Water Aerobics with senior adults & fat people. I still had a lot of self esteem issues & was clueless to the fact that within that year I would indeed emerge as Triathamom!
But it's amazing what a little consistent exercise & watching your diet will do. As the weight continued to come off, my confidence level was building.
By Spring '04, I had dropped 25 lbs and was ready to attempt a "real person" boot camp. I literally thought I was going to DIE every day of that 8 week camp. They began each day by having us run. I fell out daily by the time we reached 100 yards. But I didn't quit. My goal was perfect attendance & to finish the workout each day. I succeeded! BUT many mornings found me crying in my van from sheer exhaustion and in aggravation that I had allowed myself to get SO fat. 'This was the hardest thing I had every done at that point. Somedays it was even harder than giving birth!! The boot camp began with 98 students -- we finished with 37. I was the only who had perfect attendance. My prize -- a coupon for an "All You Can Eat Cici's Pizza Buffet". This is not a joke. I was SO mad...but I was SO proud of myself that I didn't care. I tore the coupon up, I wish now I would have framed it!!
The last day of bootcamp was a timed P.T. test. I ran one mile without stopping in 10 minutes 30 seconds. This was milestone for me.
At the bootcamp I met an amazing superhero chick who encouraged me to keep up with the running. She knew I loved to swim & suggested that we train together for a Sprint Triathlon at the end of the summer. She made it sound so cool! I made the decision, paid my entry fee and never looked back. Three months later, an additional 10 lbs lighter, on August 15, 2004, I completed my 1st Triathlon!! Swim .25m, Bike 9m, Run 2m. ROCK ON, Triathamom!!
That's quite amazing...
All you can eat pizza??? That's crazy...
(besides how much pizza can one eat? 8 dollar's worth?!?)
A coupon for an "All You Can Eat Cici's Pizza Buffet"? Is that some sort of cruel joke???? How sad! Well, I personally know how hard it is to get perfect attendance to a boot camp that lasts so long, so you deserve a huge congrats! :) I'm glad the most recent boot camp we attended was not so sorry! I would have died if I won a coupon to go eat fattening food after working so hard for 8 weeks!!!! :0
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