
A Quick Update

I've been busy, superhero friends, too busy to blog & I miss it!! I can't believe it's Thursday already. Here's a quick run down:

Fitness UPDATE
I ran 1.5m on the treadmill Monday. (I really don't like the treadmill -- you never get anywhere!)
I ran 1.5m outside on Wednesday with Marathong Mama -- it was 24 degrees!! Should I mention that Enviro-man started out with us, but turned around because he was too cold? Hmmmm. 'Thong & I deserved a medal for that run! We didn't have any medals -- so we settled for a Panera bagel instead!! And, surprisingly, Enviro-man showed up for the bagel even though he bagged the run. (Slacker!)
My plan is to run on the treadmill tomorrow morning. I'm going to shoot for 3 miles. I pray I'm not overcome by boredom!
This weekend will be way too crazy with dress rehearsal & performance of our play to fit in a long run, but I'm hoping to do 5m at some point on Saturday. That will give me 11 miles total for the week. Very short of my overall goal of 20 miles --but better than nothing!

Christmas UPDATE
Superspouse took the day off from work & we went Christmas shopping today. We finished shopping for 3 of the 4 kids and some of the relatives. It was a very fun & productive day. When we picked the kids up from school we took them to the mall to see Santa -- and thankfully they asked him for what we purchased earlier in the day!!!
I pulled out all of the decorations from the attic & we plan to put the tree up tomorrow night.

It's official -- I'm in the Christmas spirit! I hope you are, too, superhero friends.


Anonymous said...

It is sad that the uneducated reader (or at least the reader who doesn't know you) will think that I wimped out on your run. You failed to inform your readers that it was 26 degrees outside. More importantly, you also failed to mention that while you and thong girl were dress like two Siberian soldiers, I on the other hand was dressed in a T-shirt and SHORTS. But don't worry, the doctor said the frost bite will heal and that I can still function with the 6 remaining fingers.
While we are setting the record straght, I did almost 2 miles on the EFX machine prior to going on your run (which there is no proof that you two completed). I did all that while nursing a bum shoulder and two aching knees.
One would think that someone such as yourself would be applauding the guts and determination of a superhero friend who braved the elements while grossly underdressed and fought through the pain of an injury so that he could get a decent workout. It is, afterall, the Christmas season.
Since I am ranting, I must say that I am seeing a disappointing cycle beginning to develop. At the start of the week you map out your goals for the week but sadly at the end of the week you provide a litany of excuses as to why you didn't accomplish these goals.
Before you smear my reputation allover the pages of this Pinko Commie Rag I suggest that you look in the mirror.
Merry Christmas, Bah Hum Bug and Shalom Shalaka.

Triathamom said...

Waa-Waa-Waa! Call it payback for the "some of us have responsibilities" comment you made several weeks back! :)
You are so easy -- toss out a little bait & you bite -- hook, line & sinker!!! Merry Christmas to you, too, Enviro!!

Anonymous said...

I find it hard to beleive you did two miles on the EFX, Enviro-man. You know, you are only hurting yourself when you come up with these hair-brained stories. I really think you should get the "total body" package when you go in for the shoulder...knees, labotomy, finger replacement, etc. And while you are there...that "ringing"...


Anonymous said...

I don't know why I waste my time....

Triathamom said...

You know working out at the Y would be unbearable without us. Bundle up Monday & prepare for 3miles -- 5:30. Can't do it without you! Don't be a slacker!