
An Unexpected Major Milestone Day

I missed my early AM journey to the Y this morning because I chose instead to snuggle in bed with Superspouse & my two youngest kiddos who had somehow made their way to our bed during the night. Once I was up & going and had everyone off for the day, I began to feel very guilty because I am 99% recovered from the stomach bug, today is December 1st and I really want to start the month out right. So I threw on my running clothes & headed to the nearby soccer complex that has a 1 mile track. I was thinking 2, maybe 3 miles. I really didn't know what to expect because it had been several days since I have done any significant moving.

Well, superhero friends, I ran 3 miles in 29 minutes. 9 min/10 min/10 min. YEA!!!
What makes this milestone is that I was running by myself at a great pace and I didn't stop once.

When left to my own devices I tend to be quite a slacker. Superspouse says that if I were a dog I'd be a beagle, because beagles work best in pairs. I just know that the many times before that I have set off alone I usually end up giving into the feeling that says I want to stop & walk. But today I didn't. Wow.

So get out there, superhero friends, push through a wall. Do something you've never done before -- 'cause if feels good!


Anonymous said...

Yeah!! You are truly a superhero!!
I suppose you've decorated today, too. Slacker that I am - I have not run just gotten a rockin' workout doing laundry! Ugh!!
See you in the morning!! Class starts at 5:00 a.m. (not 5:30).

ps How did Enviroman hurt his shoulder? Somehow, I bet Camperboy is responsible!

Anonymous said...

I prefer Enviro-man, the dash completes the name. For the record I hurt my shoulder about 4 weeks ago doing pull ups. It wasn't that bad until the Sunday before Thanksgiving when one of the youth from church grabbed my arm and pulled it behind me. From there it has just gotten worse. Had an MRI today (terrible experience) but won't know anything until the 12th. You might see me next week soaking in the hot tub. So now that you know you can be sure to avoid the hot tub.

Triathamom said...

Didya have them look at those bum knees while they were looking at things? I think you could get a buy 2 get 1 free deal on surgeries, don't you? You might as well hurry up & get everything fixed so you can run the 1/2 in Nashville at the end of April.

Anonymous said...

Oh, sorry, ENVIRO-MAN (better?),
I've heard that MRI's can be very hard for super-hero, toxic clean-up, dudes. Seriously, did Camper-boy do this???

P.S. I think it is really sad that you would blame an innocent "YOUTH" for your folly. Please, Enviro-man...the truth is always better.

Anonymous said...

What about the fabulas day with your son and youth aren't as innicent as they seem Marathong Mama!!!