
Upcoming Posts

As this year comes to a close, superhero friends, there are 2 topics that I will soon be posting about here. The loose ends of the year that I am trying to tie up.

The obvious would be Goals for 2006. I have been putting much thought, prayer & discussion with Superspouse into what is really attainable in regards to events - Half Marathons, Sprint Triathlons, (gulp!) Marathons -- given the amount of time & energy that training takes. Because training does take. It takes a lot. And I just need to decide what I am really willing to GIVE in order to keep my word, achieve my goals & not be forever labeled as a complete SLACKER!! :)

The other entry I've been remiss in posting is History of Triathamom, Part 2: Sprint Tri to Half Marathon. I don't know why this has been so hard for me to write. I have started it many times. I think that this portion of my journey from Sept '04 to July '05 was really the most emotional portion of the transformation to date. It really cemented so many things in my life. I became a real athlete. I finished things I started. It was a fresh start for a great relationship with my only brother after years of mucking through a lot of family stuff. And I gained some truly amazing friends in the process.

So that is what's on the horizon for me. I plan to get these loose ends tied up in the next day or two. How about you, superheroes, any loose ends that need tying before the year ends?


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the your comments today on ChristianRunner.com, and yes I do work for LW. What made you guess so accurately?

Amy A. said...

Triathamom, took your advice and joined weight watchers to learn about eating right. I'm proud of myself that I didn't wait until the new year. Also, walked and played soccer with kids this week. Just wanted to thank you for the encouragement and let you know I enjoy reading about your progress, too. Happy New Year.

Anonymous said...

You guessed right. I am the director of e-business for Broadman & Holman, a division of LW.

Anonymous said...

Since you slept in this morning, one would think that you would have updated your blog.

Anonymous said...

Is that really you, enviro-man??? I thought you moved to some far off planet....er no, I mean country!! What did the doc say about your shoulder?? You know, superheros do need to sleep past 5 a.m. some days....

Anonymous said...

Long story about the shoulder....I'll tell you at 5:30 am tomorrow.